


Event Start Date:
June 9, 2018
Event End Date:
June 9, 2018
Event Venue:
St. Francis Xavier’s Church witnessed the First Holy Communion of Fourteen  Children and Three adults on the First Sunday after Easter, that is 8th April 2018. All the recipients of the Fist Holy Communion  had been attending Catechism from the past one year and they have been thoroughly catechised as to understand the great efficacy of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The day before, 7th April all the Candidates had come over in the evening along with their parents to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  All the parents also took part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.   On 8th April 2018 early in the morning all the recipients of the First Holy Communion arrived very early in the morning because it was a going to be a very special day for them as they were going to receive Jesus Christ for the first time in their life.
The main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration was rev. Fr. Sebastian Francis.  Rev. Frs. Rajesh Simon and George Madathikudyil concelebrated for the Eucharistic sacrifice. 
 The readings for the Holy Mass was read by the Candidates and they took part in the Prayers of the Faithful.  Each one had prepared a prayer to offer to the Lord.  Every recipient had brought something to be offered to the Lord and they brought that very respectfully in the offertory procession.  Then the time arrived after the Lord’s Prayer for them to receive the Body and Blood ofJesus Christ. The candidates made a solemn prayer by which they invited the Lord into their Hearts and also prayed for their parents and for the whole church. Every one was truly touched at the moment they came in procession along with their parents to receive the Lord, first time in their life. it was a truly a very special moment for each one if us in the Church and they came smilingly its much devotion to receive the Echaristic Lord.
The celebration ended with a group photograph along with the fathers and Sr. Julie. The children were delighted and they all thanked Rev. Sr. Julie and all the parishioners for their prayers and good wishes.  The Celebration ended with refreshments for all the recipients